Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Clearout

It’s clearout time for the Hypnobabe.  We are getting ready for Santa’s visit (the smaller family members are already barely able to contain themselves) so it is time for all the stuff we don’t need to go to new homes.  I have been madly ebaying and Vinnieing all the outgrown toys, clothes, random stuff we don’t use and items of unknown origin found during a recent clear out of the linen cupboard (if you’re missing cooler bags or Tupperware last seen at Hypnohouse now’s your last chance to claim).  It has all brought me to realise just how much STUFF we have and how it actually increases stress levels, not to mention time wasted spent searching for stuff you actually do need. 

A bargain hunter and borderline hoarder at heart, the Hypnobabe does have mild concern that Oprah will knock on the door during her visit and unleash her decluttering team, spreading carefully saved possessions across the lawn for all to ogle at.  Assuming that this doesn’t actually happen, 2011 is earmarked to be the year of simplicity at Hypnohouse.  I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to downsize stuff, probably most of my adult life I think, but this year is it! 

This year I’m writing a de-stress and declutter hypnosis program and perfecting it on myself.  Designed as a spring clean for the mind, body and physical space, it will remove the stress caused by all those nagging jobs and bulging cupboards you really should do something about by retraining your mind to actually work through and reduce them.  Combining hypnosis with physical lists, it’s going to be a great stress buster which will free up lots of time spent thinking and worrying about things which don’t matter and which drag us down.  The best bit is that all that worry time can be spent on whatever YOU want, all those things you haven’t had time to enjoy for a while.  Feeling clear and decluttered already just thinking about it?  Keep you posted folks. 

Ciao for now

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